Super Saiyan Rose Arrives! || Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Super Pack 3 Announced!
Bojack seems to have a very up close and personal style of fighting that uses a lot of Ki to blast other players across the map, only to catch up with them mid-flight and hit them again. The hits are hard, fast, and brutal; he has this bloodthirst, which is accurate to his character in the 1993 film. Zamasu, who was just introduced in the new series Dragon Ball Super, seems to like his spirit sword, preferring to use it and then let loose a barrage of attacks from afar.
The last character to be announced was Goku Black. This is what a lot of people have been waiting for. They have wanted to see Super Saiyan Rose in the game for a long time. Some people went and modded it into the game, so now the community must be very happy to finally get an actual Goku Black with his own move set and powers. Of course, Black loves his spirit sword, just as Zamasu. Anyone who has watched Super will know why, but I won't spoil that secret for anyone who has not yet.
Here is the list of all the additions that are coming in Super Pack 3:
The last character to be announced was Goku Black. This is what a lot of people have been waiting for. They have wanted to see Super Saiyan Rose in the game for a long time. Some people went and modded it into the game, so now the community must be very happy to finally get an actual Goku Black with his own move set and powers. Of course, Black loves his spirit sword, just as Zamasu. Anyone who has watched Super will know why, but I won't spoil that secret for anyone who has not yet.
Here is the list of all the additions that are coming in Super Pack 3:
- 3 Additional Characters: Goku Black Rose, Zamasu, and Bojack
- 3 New Parallel Quests
- 5 Additional Skills
- 4 Additional Costumes
- 5 Super Souls
- 2 Emotes
- Bojack as a master, leading to new quests to unlock new skills, chats, and marks
The pack releases on April 25th, 2017. I cannot wait to get the new characters and kick some but as Goku Black. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 has been available since October 2016, and Bandai Namco is still adding to it. There may not be a new game in development, but they have been adding and adding to Xenoverse in order to make it the best game that it can be; that's what we love.
Here is the official trailer for DB Super Pack 3:
For more information, go to the official website:
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